Interview template
Take notes in a shared Google Doc. Initialize that doc from this template.
👋 GeoJupyter introduction
Introduce interviewee, interviewer, and GeoJupyter.
Give the elevator pitch!
Note-taking & information sharing
May I please record this interview? This will allow me to focus on our conversation instead of note-taking. Recordings will not be shared and will be deleted.
Any recordings and notes taken will be used to inform feature development of GeoJupyter.
We will not directly quote you without explicit permission.
Your name will not be shared without explicit permission.
We will share general and anonymized outcomes (i.e. themes identified) in blog posts on this website. Those blog posts will be categorized as “Community insights”.
🤗 About you
Tell me about yourself!
In addition to whatever you’d like to share, I’d like to know:
- What kind of practitioner are you?
- What is your field?
- How do you use data?
- Do you teach?
- Walk me through your personal geospatial data story: how did you start out working with geospatial data, and what has changed about your workflow over time?
🌐 A recent geospatial workflow
Describe a recent geospatial data workflow you worked on.
Could be anything; doesn’t have to be big or important. Could be exploring some data!
What were your objectives?
What resources did you use?
What software products did you use?
Which ones were most & least valuable? Why do you think that was?
What GUI tools did you use? E.g. QGIS, ArcGIS, Panoply, JupyterLab, …
What CLI tools did you use? E.g. GDAL, Git, Conda, Pip, …
What services did you use? E.g. GitHub, GitLab, HuggingFace, …
What programming languages and libraries did you use? E.g. Python, geopandas, Xarray, Matplotlib, …
There’s some overlap between these categories. Perhaps don’t ask these questions explicitly unless useful to jog interviewee’s memory.
What learning resources did you use?
Including people, LLM, documentation, etc.
Which ones were most & least valuable? Why do you think that was?
How was your subjective experience?
What were the hurdles? What frustrated you?
What was the payoff? What was fun or enjoyable?
What did you learn?
🪄 If you had a magic wand…
If there were unlimited funds and capacity and no technical limitations, what would you want to change about your geospatial data workflows for exploring, teaching, analyzing, publishing, etc.?