❓ About
GeoJupyter is a collaboration between many communities and organizations, including but not limited to:
- The Jupyter community
- QuantStack
- 2i2c
- Development Seed
- Clark University Center for Geospatial Analytics
- Berkeley Institute for Data Science
- The Eric & Wendy Schmidt Center for Data Science and Environment at UC Berkeley
Please open an issue in GitHub if you’d like to be represented on this list.
Current status: Idea generation and development
QuantStack is developing JupyterGIS, a collaborative GIS environment in JupyterLab.
DSE and the GeoJupyter community are distilling insights from interviewees.
The GeoJupyter community is meeting bi-weekly to generate and develop ideas. Please see our hackathon notes blog posts to follow our progress!
Join a hackathon Join the community chat on Zulip Sign up for an interview
Next: Community programming, prototyping
- Community meetings
- Core meetings
- Hackathons
- Office hours
- Prototype minimal use-case focused workflows
How you can contribute
We want as much input as we can get, on any subject, as early as possible!
If you want to share your personal experiences and visionary ideas for GeoJupyter, please sign up for an interview!
Introduce yourself in our community chat space on Zulip!