GeoJupyter virtual hackathon 2025-02-05
The first GeoJupyter virtual hackathon. Open to all!
GeoJupyter virtual hackathon 2025-02-05
Please add new agenda items under the New agenda items
- Join us on Zoom
- Previous hackathons
- GeoJupyter handy links:
Your name / GitHub ID / affiliation / favorite drink this time of year
- Sanjay Bhangar / batpad / Development Seed / Chai
- Kristin Davis / kpdavi / Schmidt Center for Data Science & Environment, UC Berkeley / mint hot cocoa
- Matt Fisher / mfisher87 / DSE / Mint hot cocoa
- Yao-Ting Yao/ YaoTingYao/ Clark CGA/Mint Tea
- Martin Renou / martinRenou / QuantStack / Coffee
- Greg Mooney / gjmooney / QuantStack / Pumpkin spice latte if I’m feeling fancy
- Arjun Verma / arjxn-py / QuantStack / Cold Coffee
- Brookie Guzder-Williams/ brookisme / Coffee
- Qiusheng Wu / giswqs / University of Tennessee / Tea
Agenda & notes
⚡ (5 minutes) Lightning intros
Tell us about you in 30 seconds or less!
💡 (5 minutes) Idea / team forming
- What do you want to work on today?
- Add your ideas to the “Hack teams” section below.
- Add your favorite emoji next to ideas you’re excited about. Press the colon (:) key on your keyboard or navigate to “Insert > Emoji” in the menu bar to open the emoji browser.
- Form teams from the ideas generated in the steps above! Add your objectives to the “Hack teams” section of the doc below.
- Create breakout rooms.
🪄 (all the minutes) Hack together!
Hack teams
For ideas, check out the hackathon and good first issue labels on the JupyterGIS project!
Join the corresponding breakout room to hack!
Lobby: Orientation! Help setting up dev environment, etc. Docs: * Kristin
- Dockerize! (
- Matt & Sanjay
- Martin: Could a GHA bot run every day and check for a new release? Should it work like the conda forge bot where it opens a PR, we review, and merge. Or just have the bot commit and tag? (the latter seems preferred)
- Arjun: Put dockerfile in JGIS repository in
- Arjun: Put dockerfile in JGIS repository in
- Python API improvements (
- Brookie, Martin, Arjun, Yao-Ting, Greg & Qiusheng
- Walked through workflows. Brookie will clean up notes and put on GitHub as a comment to the issue: Also start a chat on Zulip!
- Layer show/hide button gets pushed off the panel (
- Improve layer gallery contributor experience (
- Martin: The gallery is generated from xyzservices Python package. How’s the contributor experience for this package?
- Brookie:
object = doc.get_feature(layer=..., feature_id=...)
to grab a unique feature out of a layer orobject = doc.get_selected_features()
- Sanjay: We wanted this on lonboard. Ipyleaflet has this maybe? Ability to draw a bounding box or shape, then
. - Brookie:
- Sanjay: We wanted this on lonboard. Ipyleaflet has this maybe? Ability to draw a bounding box or shape, then
- Brookie: Sort collaborators alphabetically