GeoJupyter virtual hackathon 2025-02-05


The first GeoJupyter virtual hackathon. Open to all!


The GeoJupyter community


February 5, 2025

GeoJupyter virtual hackathon 2025-02-05

Please add new agenda items under the New agenda items heading!


Your name / GitHub ID / affiliation / favorite drink this time of year

  • Sanjay Bhangar / batpad / Development Seed / Chai
  • Kristin Davis / kpdavi / Schmidt Center for Data Science & Environment, UC Berkeley / mint hot cocoa
  • Matt Fisher / mfisher87 / DSE / Mint hot cocoa
  • Yao-Ting Yao/ YaoTingYao/ Clark CGA/Mint Tea
  • Martin Renou / martinRenou / QuantStack / Coffee
  • Greg Mooney / gjmooney / QuantStack / Pumpkin spice latte if I’m feeling fancy
  • Arjun Verma / arjxn-py / QuantStack / Cold Coffee
  • Brookie Guzder-Williams/ brookisme / Coffee
  • Qiusheng Wu / giswqs / University of Tennessee / Tea

Agenda & notes

⚡ (5 minutes) Lightning intros

Tell us about you in 30 seconds or less!

💡 (5 minutes) Idea / team forming

  • What do you want to work on today?
  • Add your ideas to the “Hack teams” section below.
  • Add your favorite emoji next to ideas you’re excited about. Press the colon (:) key on your keyboard or navigate to “Insert > Emoji” in the menu bar to open the emoji browser.
  • Form teams from the ideas generated in the steps above! Add your objectives to the “Hack teams” section of the doc below.
  • Create breakout rooms.

🪄 (all the minutes) Hack together!

💬 (10 minutes) Share out

  • Save your progress in GitHub or Zulip as appropriate! Please write for people who don’t have full context; link to related issues and documentation!
  • Fill in the “Share out” section of the doc below.

Hack teams

For ideas, check out the hackathon and good first issue labels on the JupyterGIS project!

Join the corresponding breakout room to hack!

Lobby: Orientation! Help setting up dev environment, etc. Docs: * Kristin

  1. Dockerize! (
    • Matt & Sanjay
    • Martin: Could a GHA bot run every day and check for a new release? Should it work like the conda forge bot where it opens a PR, we review, and merge. Or just have the bot commit and tag? (the latter seems preferred)
      • Arjun: Put dockerfile in JGIS repository in scripts/ directory?
  2. Python API improvements (
    • Brookie, Martin, Arjun, Yao-Ting, Greg & Qiusheng
    • Walked through workflows. Brookie will clean up notes and put on GitHub as a comment to the issue: Also start a chat on Zulip!


  1. Layer show/hide button gets pushed off the panel (
  2. Improve layer gallery contributor experience (
    • Martin: The gallery is generated from xyzservices Python package. How’s the contributor experience for this package?

Share out

Think about: What exciting things did you accomplish? What loose ends remain? Big questions? Big ideas?

  • Add add_vector_layer function to Python API:
  • New ideas for bi-directional interactions with documents, layers, features between JGIS and Notebook. e.g. get vector and raster layers from the doc, and use a vector feature to select raster pixels, mean them, then update the vector with a new attribute containing the result of the mean operation:
  • Docker!
    • Source:
    • Image:
    • Docs PR:


  • Brookie: object = doc.get_feature(layer=..., feature_id=...) to grab a unique feature out of a layer or object = doc.get_selected_features()
    • Sanjay: We wanted this on lonboard. Ipyleaflet has this maybe? Ability to draw a bounding box or shape, then doc.get_bbox() or doc.get_features_in_bbox().
    • Brookie:
  • Brookie: Sort collaborators alphabetically